Snapchat Strengthens Teen Safety Measures to Combat Sextortion and Scams


Snapchat is making it harder for strangers to contact teens — again

The latest updates are meant to address sextortion scams and other safety issues the company has been criticized for.

Snapchat is taking another step to protect its younger users from harm. The social media platform has announced new safety features specifically designed to make it more difficult for strangers to contact teens.

Enhanced Safety Features:

  • Suspicious Contact Warnings: Snapchat will now display warnings about accounts that exhibit "suspicious" activity, potentially indicating they are linked to scams or harmful behavior.
  • Proactive Friend Request Blocking: Friend requests from accounts without mutual friends and a history of accessing Snapchat from scam-associated locations will be automatically blocked.
  • Improved Blocking: Blocking a user will now automatically block any new accounts created on the same device, making it harder for blocked users to circumvent restrictions.
  • Snap Map Reminders: Snapchat will provide more frequent reminders to teens about their location-sharing settings, making it easier for them to control who sees their whereabouts.

Addressing Sextortion and Safety Concerns:

These updates aim to address the growing problem of sextortion scams targeting teens on social media. Snapchat has faced criticism for its role in facilitating such scams and other safety issues, including the ease with which drug dealers have contacted young users. The company's latest efforts are a direct response to these concerns and a renewed commitment to protecting its users.

Previous Efforts and Ongoing Challenges:

This isn't the first time Snapchat has attempted to tackle these issues. In 2022, the platform limited "quick add" suggestions between teens and adults. However, challenges remain, as highlighted by a recent Rolling Stone investigation that linked Snapchat features like Snap Map and "quick add" to a rise in teen overdoses.


Depending upon the district of the low point overdoses on the snapchat the users are getting harmed by which they got some rest results causing the snap map and “quick add” features depending upon the user and might have the results depending upon the content of the user data.

Snapchat's ongoing efforts to enhance teen safety are a step in the right direction, but it's clear that more work needs to be done. As social media platforms continue to grapple with the complexities of protecting young users, it's crucial for companies like Snap to prioritize safety and invest in solutions that safeguard teens from online harm.

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